
Speak Out Against Hate appreciates Gazette’s new policies

February 4, 2025

It is said that nothing is constant but change, and without change we don't grow; if we don't change, are we really living? We at Speak Out Against Hate applaud the Cape Gazette editorial board’s decision to reduce the political letters to the editor and increase the public voice on a variety of issues concerning Sussex County. SOAH especially appreciates the additional space the paper will give nonprofit groups that are the backbone of our democracy and far too often go unrecognized. Thank you and best wishes in all your journalistic endeavors. 

Patty Maloney, president 
Allan Slan, vice president/treasurer 
Leslie Slan, secretary 
Zita Dresner 
Gail Jackson 
Charlotte King 
Jan Kliger 
Joseph Lawson 
  • A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper.

    To submit a letter to the editor for publishing, send an email to Letters must be signed and include a telephone number and address for verification. Please keep letters to 500 words or fewer. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. Letters should be responsive to issues addressed in the Cape Gazette rather than content from other publications or media. Only one letter per author will be published every 30 days. Letters restating information and opinions already offered by the same author will not be used. Letters must focus on issues of general, local concern, not personalities or specific businesses.

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