
Sussex needs strategic development plan

January 10, 2020

I saw a letter to the editor that addresses a topic that I have been wanting to comment on for some time now.  The loss of the charm of the region.  I grew up in Coolspring.  I went to school in Lewes and graduated from Cape Henlopen High School. I went to church and spent a lot of my adolescent years in Milton.  

I moved away and now I live in Milwaukee.  I come back to the area to visit family several times a year. Every time I come back, I notice a lot of change.  I realize that change is inevitable.  Progress is good if it is done the right way.  

It appears to me that there is no development plan except to squeeze in as many developments as possible on routes 9, 24, 5 and wherever.  It looks terrible.  The environmental impact is horrible. And people come to the area to keep the small-town beach vibe.  Traffic is too much for the roads.

There seems to be an element of country gentrification too. The folks in Coolspring, Belltown, Jimtown, Pinetown  and Rabbit’s Ferry are going to be run or priced out in five years or so.

Slow down and come up with a strategic development plan. Don’t just chase the dollar. All money ain’t good money.

Craig Brittingham
Milwaukee by way of Coolspring


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