
Kudos to editorial on Bayhealth residency program

December 24, 2020

I would like to thank the Cape Gazette for highlighting the editorial “Bayhealth’s residency program will benefit all.”  As a physician at Bayhealth, I applaud the individuals with the foresight and vision to embark on this path. We are all acutely aware of the physician shortage in the state. The only way we will be able to change this is by selling Delaware to young physicians. We have to change the “Delawhere?”  aspect, as Delaware is not on the radar of non-Delaware students. 

We don’t have a medical school in the state, so we miss out on the earliest opportunity to introduce young medical trainees to a great state in which to live and practice. In the last two years, Bayhealth has been hosting third-and fourth-year medical students from medical schools in Philadelphia for some of their clinical rotations. The students have given rave reviews regarding their education here. 

I recently had the pleasure of giving a lecture on diseases in my subspecialty to the medical students, and it was exhilarating to teach such an enthusiastic, inquisitive group.  Afterwards, I was speaking to several students who related what a great experience it has been to study at Bayhealth, and that they would like to continue their training here by joining our residency program. That’s the best and most reliable means to recruit new doctors. In years to come, I think we will see the fruits of this massive endeavor.

Elsa Goldstein, MD
Rehoboth Beach
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