
Is there any answer to traffic woes?

July 13, 2018

In answer to letter sent by Nick DeCerchio:

You say you have one question - that is, has it occurred to the residents of southeastern Sussex County at one time or another. Yes, it has with me since 2008 about Route 9, on which I live.

I was told in 2008 a traffic light to give a break in traffic has to be paid by the people who are building the houses. Well, here it is 2018, numerous homes have been built and more coming. A bouncy place was put up (traffic), Stockley is being put up also. Five acres pending (what is to be there, we don't know), Social Security office is there, a farmers market on Sunday in the vineyard!

I sat 22 minutes to get out on Route 9. Also, I was forced off the road by a pickup truck, speeding and blowing his horn constantly. Thank god he was picked up by a state trooper down Route 9. The traffic is dangerous, the drivers are out of their mind - no regard for anyone.

I have been in touch with Gov. John Carney, but to no avail, just talk! I agree something has to be done and now!

I have sent letters upon letters, but it is getting worse every day. So Mr. Nick DeCerchio, I have tried and tried for an answer, but to no avail. I have spoken to DelDOT, but nothing. Do you have an answer?

Ellie Backus


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