
Touching on issues in Viewpoints

March 19, 2024

I enjoy reading the Gazette, especially the letters to the editor. You get to see the thoughts of people in the area, and the Gazette allows both sides. I have to respond to two issues that have been the Gazette lately.

One is the VSA and Sussex County voting it down. It’s nice that there is some democracy in Delaware. If you don't like an issue, vote no! If anyone in Sussex studied what the VSA has done to New Castle County, you would be happy they voted it down. When you put money in people's hands, it gets misspent. New Castle has pretty much ruined public schools. A.I. DuPont, once a powerhouse school, now has fewer than 600 students in the high school! They've opened too many charter schools. That’s where all the better students go, leaving teachers in public schools to deal with it. Their facilities are below standard.

One letter was about how Cape kids shouldn't have less than Sussex Academy. It has to do with a pool! Well, I know that up in New Castle County, there probably are three to four schools that share a pool. The cost for a swimming center is $36 million! You’re telling me you can't put a pool next to the high school? For less money?

Sussex is in a wonderful bubble, but the housing boom will slow down and you can put yourself in a place like New Castle County. The taxes are three times higher, and with reassessment on the horizon and a state that has a 6.6% personal income tax, I think people should be leery of what to pass. Cape schools will always be in great shape because of parent involvement, and that is wonderful to see.

The other issue is this crying about democracy on the ballot and voting. Is there a sign somewhere on Route 1 saying someone can't vote? I didn't see it. In 2020 when I voted, there were plenty of poling places and it was wonderful to see people of all ages waiting to vote. That's because they want their vote to count! And there's no sign saying Democrats only or Republicans only, just Americans wanting to cast a vote! There are probably some who can't get to the poling booth, but they can surely contact a representative who will help them. But everyone wants millions of ballots sent out in the mail? It’s sad that we can't get more of an honest answer to voting instead of demonizing each other.

If you see how the state is going, it’s like California. No more gas cars after 2030? Missed that vote. Turbines in the ocean? Missed that vote. Delaware is a very small state and shouldn't follow other radical states. I know I didn't work my whole life for a government to tell me what car I can buy! I was hoping to have Sussex County to retire to, but it looks like I might have to go farther south.

Steve Regester 
Hockessin/Rehoboth Beach
  • A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper.

    To submit a letter to the editor for publishing, send an email to Letters must be signed and include a telephone number and address for verification. Please keep letters to 500 words or fewer. We reserve the right to edit for content and length. Letters should be responsive to issues addressed in the Cape Gazette rather than content from other publications or media. Only one letter per author will be published every 30 days. Letters restating information and opinions already offered by the same author will not be used. Letters must focus on issues of general, local concern, not personalities or specific businesses.

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