Uncharted 4, Round 2: Headed down road to platinum
If you’re a regular reader of this column, you know that I write about Uncharted a lot. Last year around this time, I wrote about how it was going to take me a long time to earn the platinum trophy for Uncharted 4 because I wasn’t ready to let go; I didn’t want to say goodbye to this series that is so near and dear to my heart.
Uncharted 4 came out on May 10, 2016, I completed it two days later on May 12, and then I took a long break from the game. I tried to immediately jump in and start working on the platinum, but I stopped almost immediately because I wasn’t enjoying it. I needed time to recover, emotionally. The game is an absolute work of art, and if you’re a fan of the series, it’s inevitable that you will feel very emotional at the end of the game. If you’ve completed it, you know what I am talking about.
This past weekend, I had some free time and was trying to decide what to play. I got up and went over to see which physical games we had on the shelf. I picked up the Uncharted 4 steelbook and looked at it for a few seconds, and then said to myself, “It’s time.” I know this seems overly dramatic and silly, but this game really means that much to me. Until that moment, I hadn’t felt emotionally ready to jump back into the game after completing it upon its release.
I started the game on Crushing difficulty, and I am enjoying every second of it...even more so than the first time I played. This time around, I am really taking my time; I wasn’t able to do this before, as I was trying to finish the game as quickly as possible in order to limit my chances of seeing spoilers online (that actually would have completely devastated me). I am really taking advantage of the game’s Photo Mode, and I am spending much more time walking and driving around and seeing all that the game’s world has to offer. I am still amazed at how gorgeous the game is. All Uncharted games are visually stunning, but A Thief’s End takes it to another level.
After I finish the game on Crushing difficulty, I will begin a new playthrough on an easier difficulty to collect all treasures, and then take care of miscellaneous combat-related trophies. I am enjoying this game so, so much. Please pick it up and give it a try if you haven’t already; I just can’t recommend it enough. Naughty Dog are truly masters of their craft.
Share your Uncharted stories and screenshots with me on Twitter! @gottosaurus.