
Veteran urges Carney to sign cannabis bills

April 4, 2023

It’s time for Gov. Carney to acknowledge and support the people on cannabis legalization in the First State. Instead of expecting a veto, we should all call on Gov. Carney to actually sign the reform bills when they come before him again.

As a board member at Delaware’s chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and, more specifically, the coordinator for our website, I can testify to the massive amount of research and data that is available about cannabis today.

There is no question that significant research exists about medical marijuana and regulated cannabis. Everything from hard science on the plant to data on medical outcomes – even social data on legalization – is being performed every year. Still, we’ve heard opposing legislators give voice to a misinformed mantra that there is not enough research, time and time again. 

I specifically added a tab to Delaware NORML’s website labeled Educate Yourself. This section redirects to voluminous research at the national NORML website. Instead of relying on statements made from 20-year-old research, anyone can follow that link to find copious amounts of recent research. 

Beyond the data, there are millions of people like me, citizens and veterans, utilizing medical cannabis every day. I was separated from service in 2016 due to multiple service-related and non-service-related medical conditions. Over the years, I struggled with depression, chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorders and suicidal thoughts. I was prescribed a multitude of prescription medications, all with little to no positive impact on my life. 

Just a few short years ago, I nearly became another opioid statistic of the VA Medical Center. But instead of giving up, I decided to follow my own path and explored the benefits of cannabis. The uplift from cannabis and overall positive impact on my day-to-day life was astounding. I can wholeheartedly say when I replaced pharmaceutical narcotics with cannabis, my life changed forever. Compared to so many pharmaceuticals, cannabis is the best influence on my everyday life. I am forever thankful for this harmless plant. 

I am also thankful to be a qualifying medical patient in Delaware. I have found relief where so many others still suffer. I strongly believe that the passage of both HB1 and HB2 will allow Delawareans, especially veterans like me, to finally gain regulated access to safe cannabis without fear of legal repercussions. 

Delaware NORML, Delaware Cannabis Advocacy Network and the national NORML are activating networks to call Gov. Carney, urging him to stop blocking these commonsense cannabis reforms. I urge the governor to set aside personal perspectives and opinions, and sign both HB1 and HB2 when they hit his desk. In the event the governor does veto these bills again, I request that both chambers hold fast to their first yes votes and successfully override the veto this year. Please show the people of Delaware that you no longer wish to oppress cannabis consumers with harmful prohibition policies.  

We are Delaware and we wish to be heard. 

James Baldus
Delaware NORML
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