
We need to help the homeless

January 18, 2022

I applaud Conley’s Chapel for its efforts in helping the homeless in our area. We need to help the homeless and provide more shelters for them, especially the children – they are truly the ones who suffer so much. Many homeless want to be homeless. That is their choice. Many can’t help being homeless because of their circumstances. I’m sure it is difficult to get out of being homeless once you find yourself in that situation. 

There are many ways to help these unfortunate people – I knit hats and make scarves; I have baked a batch of cookies. I do what I can and others can do the same. We don’t need to just talk about it; we need to do something about it. Blankets, towels, personal items, etc., etc. There are many things that all of us have in our homes that homeless need, and those items are listed in our local newspapers. 

Hats off to Conley’s Chapel for their efforts in providing shelters for the homeless. We need to do more to help the homeless.

All of us should thank God that we, ourselves, are not in that position.

Arline Simpson
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