
White House Beach develops in Long Neck

September 19, 2023

The growth of the Long Neck area has been incredible over the last few decades. In 1970, White House Beach was home to just a few manufactured homes.

And while its secluded location between Massey’s Landing and Pot-Nets has kept it relatively quaint, many more homes are there today than in these images. With that said, the marina doesn’t appear to have changed much in the last 53 years.

Based on historic aerial imagery, the marina was built between 1954 and 1961. According to the website for White House Beach Inc., the family-owned community has been in operation for nearly 70 years.

The land was once a farm deeded to the Burton family in 1677 by Sir Edmund Andros, English governor of New York.

So how did White House Beach get its name? In 1717, Woolsey Burton built a small, early Virginia-type brick home on Indian River Bay. The one-and-a-half-story home was white washed. It’s as simple as that. 


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