Women’s Club of Milton donates playground equipment
The Women’s Club of Milton is planning to donate two pieces of playground equipment to the town for use in Memorial Park.
Speaking to town council April 3, Nancy Trask, representing the women’s club, said the two donations are a piece of climbing equipment and a swing that will replace one of the existing swings in the park. Trask said they are inclusive, meaning children of different abilities can play together.
In a unanimous vote, council voted to delegate the logistics of where the pieces will be located and how they will be installed to the town’s parks committee.
Trask said the climbing equipment costs $8,400 and the swing costs $600. Once the pieces are donated, maintenance and management of the equipment will fall under the town’s oversight. Trask said the items were purchased from the same vendor that made other park equipment.
Mayor John Collier and Councilwoman Randi Meredith both praised the women’s club for their generosity.
Trask also said the club donated $1,000 to Milton Little League to sponsor a girls’ softball team and install a plaque.