
ZoomDoodle online art experience continues through Aug. 27

July 29, 2020

All through August, Milton Arts Guild will continue to offer ZoomDoodle, an online art experience, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. It’s the perfect social distancing way to be creative and connect with old and new friends.

ZoomDoodle is instruction done online using Zoom via computer, phone or tablet. Doodling is a way to relax while doing something creative. It starts with a single line and can be very addictive. Participants will learn three doodles during each session.

Supplies needed include a fine-line marker, paper and any kind of tool to make straight lines, circles and curves. Micron markers, fine sharpies or a good pen will work. Cardstock is preferable, as a heavier paper gives the best results. Even the matte surface of old cards can be used.

For $15, doodlers can participate in one or all of the sessions for the month of August. Go to to register and pay. Registered participants will receive an email invite with the link to sign in.

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