Don’t miss these upcoming game releases
You know when it’s so hot that you don’t want to leave your house? Or maybe a thunderstorm is passing through - a common occurrence in the summertime. These upcoming games will keep you busy when you’re stuck inside this summer.
Before I get into the upcoming releases I’m looking forward to, I wanted to mention a few games that just recently released. Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth just launched worldwide on Nintendo 3DS on June 4. I haven’t played it yet, but I do plan on getting it in the future. The game is a spin-off of the Persona series, and the story focuses on the casts from Persona 3, 4 and 5. It is a first-person dungeon crawler, so the gameplay is nothing like that of the mainline games. I’m definitely intrigued by it, and I think I’ll pick it up after I finally beat Persona 5. I feel like many people won’t pick this up simply because it’s on 3DS, but it looks really interesting.
Another game that recently released is Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, and Jimmy and I have had a blast with it so far. I didn’t play CTR growing up, but I’m definitely addicted now. If you’re expecting it to be as easy as Mario Kart, you’ll be in for a shock. It’s definitely challenging, and I’m playing the adventure mode on easy difficulty for that reason. I’ve never been good at any racing games, as much as I like them. I highly recommend it! It’s super fun to play alone or with friends.
At the time of writing, I will be picking up my copy of Judgment tomorrow - Tuesday, June 25. I have barely watched any trailers because I want to go in fresh. I am unbelievably excited for this new IP from the studio behind the Yakuza series. I think this is sliding under the radar for some, and I recommend you check it out! Expect a full review in a few weeks.
Here are a few upcoming games I’m looking forward to playing:
One day after this article is released (June 28), Super Mario Maker 2 for Nintendo Switch will be out! I absolutely loved Super Mario Maker on the Wii U, but I realize a lot of people didn’t own a Wii U and didn’t get to play it on a home console. It’s cool that it was on the 3DS, but having it on the big screen is ideal. I’m so excited to play the sequel on the Switch.
As you guys already know, I’m a tad obsessed with the Life is Strange series. I think the sequel hasn’t received as much praise or attention as the original game, and it deserves to be noticed. I am completely hooked on Life is Strange 2, and I cannot wait for the next episode. Episode 4 of Life is Strange 2 releases on Aug. 22, so you have time to catch up on episodes 1-3 before then! It’s available on all platforms, so check it out if you have time.
Control was announced at E3 2018 and I somehow forgot about it up until now. It’s a “supernatural third-person action-adventure game” … well, sign me up!
The main character, a female named Jesse Faden, gained supernatural powers after a traumatic event took place during her childhood. As the director of the Federal Bureau of Control, she is now tasked with fighting off an otherworldly threat in New York. It definitely looks cool, and I’m always up for a third-person shooter with a good story. Control is coming to Epic Games Store (PC), PS4, and Xbox One on Aug. 27.
I wrote about The Dark Pictures Anthology back when it was announced last year, and we finally have a release date for the first game in the anthology, Man of Medan. It will release on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on Aug. 30. The Dark Pictures is developed by Supermassive Games, the people who brought us the amazing Until Dawn. Man of Medan sounds very much like Until Dawn; it’s a horror game that allows you to switch between five protagonists who are out on a trip. Of course, something goes wrong and sinister things begin to unfold. I’m so excited for another game from this developer!