
An honor to know Jim Bastian

January 14, 2022

Bright honor is a matter of carrying out and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service, integrity and personal courage in everything you do. Honor means doing the right thing to represent yourself and your family.

Hats off to you, Jim; you were a wonderful neighbor. Our conversations in passing on Bay Avenue were delightful.

Jim always had a sparkle in his eyes and a zest for life, especially when he talked about his amazing family.

He also loved Lewes and his trusted canine companion. Jim was a proud man of confidence that was well deserved.

I rate men and women on the goodness scale. Jim was a damn good man.

Tanya Tucker penned a song “Bring My Flowers Now.” “The days are long but the years are lightning, They’re bright and they will never strike again ... So if you got love, then you’re sitting on a gold mine, And you can’t take it with you when you go, So don’t wait to help your sister, Forgive your brother and your neighbor, We all think we got time until we don’t, Bring my flowers now while I’m living, I won’t need your love when I’m gone ... If your heart is in them flowers, bring ‘em on.”

I only have these few words, Jim, and not flowers, but it was an honor to know you.

Rick Quill
Lewes Beach
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