Outdoor dining approved for Dewey restaurants
With outdoor dining approved for Woody’s, Dewey Beer Company and Dewey Post, the application for only one restaurant wishing to continue its outdoor dining operations remains open.
Dewey Beach commissioners voted unanimously Oct. 21 to approve conditional-use permits and applications for restaurant permits of compliance to expand the conditional uses for those restaurants after the planning and zoning commission voted unanimously Oct. 7 to recommend their approval.
During the public hearing, Dewey Beer Company attorney Blake Carey said the enclosed patio area comprises about 1,200 square feet with one eight-top table, 10 four-tops and four two-tops, with no bar seating. The area complies with the 8-foot front and 6-foot side-yard setbacks, Carey said, and will be ADA-compliant.
Carey said there have been no issues since Dewey Beer Company implemented outdoor dining May 26, 2020. There will be no music or outdoor speakers and parking is not required, he said.
Commissioner Gary Persinger suggested adding a provision that the number of bathroom facilities to accommodate increased patron capacity be included in the ordinance, which Commissioner Paul Bauer moved to approve.
Unanimous and swift approvals also followed for Woody’s and the Dewey Post, with the same provision regarding bathroom facilities.
At the Oct. 7 meeting, the planning and zoning commission kept open the hearing for Dewey Beach Country Club to gather more information in response to concerns raised by property owner Phil Davenport during public comment.
During that meeting, Dewey Beach Country Club owner Greg Plummer disputed Davenport’s assertions, and planners said they needed more information before taking a vote.
The temporary expansion of premises expired Oct. 31, but Town Counsel Fred Townsend said commissioners have extended the deadline before and would not shut down restaurant operations if it is actively pursuing approval for outdoor dining.
The commission will continue the public hearing, including discussion from town hall representatives, regarding Dewey Beach Country Club’s application at 4:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 4 at the Lifesaving Station.