
Bollards at end of path a safety hazard

August 25, 2023
As I write this, a crew is preparing to install a pair of bollards at each end of the multiuse path in Mariners’ Retreat between Seagull and Sussex drives. I assume the intent is to block cars from using the path. However, on the path for any use other than walking (bikes, scooters, etc.), twin bollards at each end are a safety hazard. 
The twin bollards force parties coming from either direction to go for the middle. It's like a one-lane bridge on a two-lane road. Early on, DelDOT made the same mistake on some of the road crossings along the trail through Lewes. In addition to the safety hazard, twin bollards cost twice as much of the citizens’ hard-earned tax money as single bollards.
David Bernheisel
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