The Dewey Business Partnership is known for its amazing, community-driven events in Dewey Beach, as its members come together to create town cohesion and camaraderie. What many may not know is that members are also working behind the scenes to raise money for their own favorite charities and causes year round.
One such business is the IV Drip Bar in Rehoboth Beach, where Dr. Tania Pritz and her colleagues take community service seriously. From the IV Drip Bar’s recent donations to the Children’s Beach House, SeeShore Fest at The Starboard and Developing Artist Collaboration, knowing the community on a personal level makes these efforts so much more meaningful. And Dr. Pritz’s attitude is shared by the many benefactors in the organization who participate in the DBP and look for more ways to benefit their communities.
The Dewey Beer Company’s annual golf tournament, which is held in September, will benefit Beebe Medical Foundation’s Behavioral Health Initiative. And then there are events like the annual Unlocke the Light Volleyball Tournament that is supported by several members, including the Hyatt Dewey Beach, Highway One Companies/Community Matters Foundation, The Starboard and Woody’s Dewey Beach, which is also a strong supporter of the Kidney Foundation’s annual walk.
We are so proud of our members who continuously give back to the community and it extends beyond Dewey Beach. Our impact is more broad than some imagine! Nalu, Gary’s, Highway One Companies/Community Matters Foundation, Grotto and Towers Comedy Festival are all members of the Dewey Business Partnership, supporting charity events in various forms, rounding out an organization with its eye on community. These examples are just another way that Dewey Beach businesses collectively promote a positive business environment that contributes to the community and enhances the quality of life in Dewey Beach.
If you have the chance to come out to any of the DBP’s events throughout the year, then you have probably already experienced the amazing vibes and fun times in the spirit of Dewey Beach. If you haven’t, there’s still lots of time as they downshift into the fall season with themed events. For more information on the organization, its events or how to get involved, go to