
Bicycling etiquette needs to be followed on trails

September 15, 2023

My wife an I have enjoyed the rails to trails, riding bikes and walking. We support bicyclists and walkers. There is an issue, however, with some racing cyclists who zoom closely past walkers at a high speed, unannounced. We have stopped taking our grandchildren for walks on the trails, as some bicyclists do not slow down for anyone. I now look behind me all the time when we are walking. I often ask passing cyclists to give us a heads up when approaching from behind, to no avail. Residents who live along the trails have taken to posting signs asking bicyclists to slow down when approaching others. To add to the problem, although Lewes requires bicyclists to stop at stop signs, most do not. When driving, we always stop for pedestrians who indicate they wish to cross, but too many cyclists now have the habit of speeding through stop signs and intersections without stopping, to the dismay of drivers. I don't have an answer, as I am certain enforcement is much too difficult. If anyone has a suggestion, it would be beneficial to hear it.

Nick De Cerchio
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