Kind to Kids brings holiday joy to foster children

The holidays are a difficult time for children in foster care. Currently, there are 600 children in Delaware’s foster care system due to abuse, neglect or difficult family situations.
Kind to Kids Foundation makes the holidays brighter through its annual party for foster families in Kent and Sussex counties.
This year’s special luncheon celebration was held Dec. 8, at Milford Senior Center. It was attended by 100 children and their families, with a special visit by Santa Claus. Each child was able to choose three toys, a stuffed animal and three books. The toy area was filled with thousands of items to choose from for every age and interest, from dolls to creative arts kits, sports balls and speakers.
“This event brings joy to children in a safe and supported space,” said Caroline Jones, Kind to Kids founder and president. “It’s a chance for them and their foster families to feel love and connection.”
The party is made possible with generous support from Bay to Beach Builders and Incyte, and donations from the community. “It takes a village to help our community’s children in foster care, and we are happy to help,” said said Deric Parker, Bay to Beach Builders owner. “It’s heartwarming to see the joy on their faces.”
Bay to Beach Builders also supports Kind to Kids Foundation’s UGrad Academy for foster children. Parker said, “We want the children to have the skills and education they need to succeed in the world.”
Community supporters included Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Bayshore Moving & Storage, Mid-Atlantic Food Trade Organization and many more.
Sen. Eric Buckson, R-Magnolia, was on hand to help the children pick out special toys and gifts of their very own. “I was truly blessed to join Kind to Kids as they spread holiday cheer to foster children and families throughout Sussex and Kent counties,” he said.
“In this joyful season of collective giving, we bring happiness and instill hope. By working together, we help children and their foster families create beautiful memories together. We remind each other of the enduring values of kindness and connection,” said Jones.