
Celebrate Excellent Care: One heart with a lot of thanks!

October 12, 2015

When Dave Herbert retired as business manager after 32 years with DuPont, he was looking forward to a happy and healthy retirement at the Delaware shore. Dave planned to spend time gardening and woodworking in his carpentry shop.

Then, Herbert discovered something was wrong with his heart. Herbert experienced extended episodes of rapid heartbeats. This happens when the electrical system of the heart is not working correctly and beats too rapidly. The heart will beat at least 100 beats a minute and may reach 300 beats a minute. If episodes occur often or last a long time, they may cause other symptoms detrimental to one’s health. Herbert consulted his primary care physician, Dr. Bhaskar Palekar, who advised him if the rapid heartbeat recurs, he should immediately see a specialist and get a heart monitor.

Herbert saw interventional cardiologist, Dr. Mouhanad Freih, who recommended Herbert wear a monitor to track his episodes. Once Freih reviewed the results, he saw evidence of long episodes of ventricular tachycardia. He recommended and immediately performed a diagnostic catheterization, which revealed a significantly blocked right coronary artery that was heavily calcified requiring a specialized device to break apart the calcium (Orbital Atherectomy) that Beebe Healthcare has. Herbert’s irregular heartbeat continued to occur, so Freih, in consultation with electrophysiologist Dr. Firas El-Sabbagh, prescribed medication to regulate his episodes.

Now, Herbert takes his medicine regularly and has not experienced another episode. Herbert, a member of the board of directors of Beebe Healthcare, remarked, “Beebe Healthcare has had a cardiac program for more than three decades." Beebe’s highly skilled cardiac team includes experienced cardiac interventionalists, a cardiac electrophysiologist, and cardiac surgeons who perform advanced procedures in Beebe’s state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization labs and operating rooms. We are truly lucky to have such great talent here in our local community.”

When Herbert learned about the Beebe Medical Foundation’s Celebrate Excellent Care program, he wanted to thank all his doctors and list them by name: Dr. Srihari Peri, Dr. Mouhanad Freih, Dr. Paul Cowan, Dr. Kevin Bristowe and his primary care physician, Dr. Bhaskar Palekar. Herbert is so grateful to all of them and the great sacrifice of extra personal time each of them gave to find answers. Dave decided to contribute four Celebrate Excellent Care donations to honor all of his attending physicians.

He applauds the Beebe Medical Foundation for designing this new program where grateful patients can take the extra time to personally thank Beebe team members and other physicians who go the extra mile to deliver excellent and compassionate care. Herbert shared that thanking his physicians made him bring closure to a stressful time in his life and that he feels it helped him complete his healing process. In addition, Herbert feels too often Beebe team members are very busy and do not get the chance to celebrate the true gratitude of their patients!

Freih added, “This program allows patients, physicians, and staff members to pause, give thanks and celebrate. It strengthens our trusting relationship while at the same time strengthening our programs here at Beebe with much needed funds.”

Anyone who would like to learn more about the Beebe Medical Foundation’s Celebrate Excellent Care program, should call 302-644-2900 or go to A gift and thanks make a true difference and help save and change lives every day at Beebe Healthcare, a not-for-profit healthcare system.


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