
Upcoming Retirement Webinars

April 1, 2020

THE DELAWARE MONEY SCHOOL TO CONTINUE TO HOST VIRTUAL RETIREMENT SEMINARS normally offered at the Lewes Public Library. Featuring Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC of InFocus Financial Advisors.

All classes that were previously scheduled for April 9th, April 16th, April 22nd, and April 23rd in the library will now be offered through a Webinar led by instructor Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC of InFocus Financial Advisors.

First Class “Retirement Bootcamp: Retirement Success”: Thursday, April 9th at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm.

Second Class “Retirement Bootcamp: Savvy Social Security”: Thursday, April 16th at 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm.

Third Class “Retirement Bootcamp: Retirement Investing”: Thursday, April 23rd at 5:00pm – 6:00 pm.


A series of financial classes will be returning to the Lewes Public Library this Spring.. The series of 3 classes will cover planning items specific to retiree’s or those near retirement. Topics covered will include: Social Security, planning items to review prior to retiring and managing investments in your retirement years, among other valuable topics. This course is a detailed retirement planning seminar designed to educate those who are nearing retirement or who have recently retired.  The sponsor, Delaware Money School, will provide CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC to the public. Robert regularly speaks to public and private audiences around the Eastern shore of Maryland and Delaware on various retirement related topics. The goal is to help make people aware of the challenges of investing in retirement and teach them suitable ways to overcome them. Robert Jeter, CFP, CRPC is a Financial Advisor offering Securities and Advisory services through Cetera Advisors, LLC member FINRA, SIPC, a broker/dealer and a Registered Investment Advisor. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity.

The Money School, the "signature program" of the Delaware Financial Literacy Institute, provides more than 650 free financial and business start-up classes and events across the state each year.  Class topics range from simple budgeting and saving to investing and retirement planning- and everything in between! Hassle-free, sales-free classes are taught by volunteers from the non-profit, financial, and government sectors. 

In order to register for a webinars, please visit or email

For more information on these classes contact:

Caitlin Bunting, Relationship Manager

Office: 410-677-4848



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