
Arguments against SDARJ gun control

June 25, 2021

To the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice:

 Did you ever really think about that permit system in SB3, would cost and how it is racist? First off a gun safety course is not free, it runs around $125 per person or higher; fingerprints are not free either. I say its racist because it prices poorer people from the worst hit black communities in Wilmington and other cities out of reach. And those are the communities that are hardest hit by gun violence. They need protection just like people elsewhere. As far as high capacity magazines, let me say that AR15 rifles come with a standard 20 round mag. Some pistols have a standard 15-round mag. Just within the last year or two you could get a 30-round mag for the AR. Don’t know of any pistols with more than 15 rounds, there are probably some, but not common. SB3, HB125 and SB6 will do nothing to reduce gun violence, and I say that because no street criminal will obey any of those laws. They will acquire guns from illegal sources, and be dammed to your anti-gun laws. Anyone who believes that that has to be some kind of special stupid. We already have background checks at the point of sale, and if you don’t have a state or government ID you don’t get a gun.

Now you state that Biden says criminals are buying kits to make their own gun that can be finished in 30 minutes; thats a load of malarky. Try a week. I don’t think Joe will take that time or have the know how and tools to do it.

As to gun violence being a “public health crisis” I know how to drop the numbers, Try enforcing the laws! Add five years to a sentence that had a firearm used in the crime, Also bring back stop and frisk. It sure cleaned up NYC fast. Anybody who complains about that is siding with the criminals. plus the U.S. Supreme Court said it was legal.

 I guess the SDARJ knows that most of the shootings in Wilmington and other big cities are black on black? I assume they also know that in 2019 only 10 -15 Black unarmed Black men were killed by police.  Also in the same year 50+ white unarmed men were killed by police nationwide?  

So you want to make acquiring a legal handgun in Delaware to be extremely difficult because of a lack of spine of our lawmakers and our DOJ officials, thereby penalizing the rest of the state because of of some criminals that our legal system is afraid of dealing with?  You people are almost a special kind of stupid.

Edwin Heibsch
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