Beebe Healthcare here for us now and always

For more than 30 years, I have worked in real estate in this community. My parents taught me so much about business, but they stressed even more how important it is to give back to the community I serve, and to be thankful for success and good fortune.
Remembering this mantra, for the last decade, my group has donated a portion of all sales commissions to various causes/charities. Traditionally, we ask our buyers/sellers to designate the philanthropic portion of our commission to the charity/cause of their choice and we make that donation their honor. However, while in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, my entire group decided that we wanted to redirect all charitable contributions to Beebe. Thanking and honoring those at Beebe who are on the front lines of care for our community is the least we can do.
So donations from me and my team are meant to express our gratitude for the excellent care that Beebe provides to our community. We are proud supporters in every way.
This Easter, my team made Easter goodie bags for the Intensive Care Unit staff at Beebe, assuming many employees would be working straight through the holiday. We wanted to show them we cared and were very thankful for their dedication – during this pandemic and beyond.
Thank you to everyone at Beebe, for all that you do!