Cape board recognizes award-winning employees
The Cape Henlopen school board recognized six employees at the May 9 board meeting for receiving what Superintendent Bob Fulton likened to a tidal wave of prestigious awards.
Fulton said the district is fortunate and blessed to have such great staff members in a variety of roles, and several were recently recognized regionally and nationally.
“This is like an onslaught; this is like a tidal wave,” Fulton said. “We’ve had so many of our staff in the last year win some really impressive awards, and deservedly.”
The best people to introduce each employee are the students they directly benefit, Fulton said, as pupil Evan Chubb introduced H.O. Brittingham Elementary second-grade Spanish immersion teacher Carlos Pesquera in both English and Spanish.
In addition to being the HOB Teacher of the Year, Pesquera was also named one of four state finalists for the 2024 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
“This is the highest recognition that a K-12 STEM teacher can receive for outstanding teaching in the United States,” Evan said. “Señor Pesquera is a dedicated educator who began his teaching career in the United States in 2015, when he relocated here from Puerto Rico. He started teaching at Cape in 2020, and continuously displays an unwavering dedication to the students, their families and his colleagues.”
Student Darcy Crotty introduced Cape High chemistry teacher and 2024 Cape district Teacher of the Year Rachel Peacock, who was presented with the Shining Light Award in April by the Delaware Foundation for Science and Math Education for exemplifying excellence and dedication to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
“Dr. Peacock is a loved and respected teacher at Cape Henlopen High School,” Darcy said. “She is dedicated to helping her students succeed and does so by meeting each of her students where they are on their academic journey. She encourages and challenges the students in her classes each day and helps them to not only reach but also surpass their goals.”
Milton Elementary school counselor and Delaware School Counselor of the Year Mindy Adams was introduced by her daughters McKinley and Madison Adams.
“Mrs. Adams has worked at Milton Elementary for five years and has shown a strong commitment to the students and families at Milton Elementary since her very first day,” McKinley said. “She is professional, kind and understanding, and is dedicated to providing as much support as possible to everyone at MES.”
Mariner Middle Principal and Delaware Secondary Principal of the Year Fred Best was introduced by student Jordynn Bowe.
“Mr. Best has helped to foster a love of learning with the students, and is dedicated to making sure the students, families and staff at Mariner feel appreciated and supported no matter what the need may be,” Jordynn said.
Mariner Middle Senior Secretary Nikki Baine, who was recently named Education Office Professional of the Year, was introduced by student Fiona Fisher.
“Ms. Baine is committed to supporting everyone at Mariner Middle School,” Fiona said. “She is always friendly, professional, helpful and approachable and, most importantly, she is a true advocate for students, staff and families.”
Milton Elementary school social worker and National School Social Worker of the Year Gloria Ho was introduced by McKinley and Madison Adams.
“Ms. Ho was also the first school social worker in Delaware to earn national certification through [School Social Work Association of America],” McKinley said. “She is a founding member, past co-president and current executive board member of the School Social Workers Association of Delaware.”