Carney signs environment, affordable housing and education legislation
Gov. John Carney continued signing several pieces of legislation this week, including laws banning plastic eating utensils unless requested, eliminating realty transfer tax for affordable housing, and education bills.
Carney signed Senate Bill 51 into law Aug. 22, banning plastic straws, coffee stirrers and other plastic picks, unless requested by a customer. The law, which goes into effect July 1, 2025, also prohibits food establishments from using single-service polystyrene food containers.
Senate Bill 155 creates a special license plate for Plastic Free Delaware Inc., a nonprofit that seeks zero waste in Delaware.
Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 87, sponsored by Sen. Russ Huxtable, D-Lewes, amends Delaware Code relating to the realty transfer tax. Under the law, nonprofits that provide affordable housing and other affordable units are exempt from paying the realty transfer tax.
Carney signed House Bill 138 Aug. 23 to establish a Delaware Educator Apprenticeship Program. The Department of Education will work with the Department of Labor to create a program that places aspiring teachers in paid positions in schools while they complete the training and education necessary to become a Delaware-credentialed teacher.
According to the bill, a pilot program will be created for the 2023-24 school year between one institute of higher education and one district or charter school. The program will be expanded if interest and funding are available for the 2024-25 school year and thereafter.
Senate Bill 156 provides teachers who previously worked as school paraprofessionals to receive partial credit toward their experience on the teacher salary scale based on their time working within schools in paraprofessional roles.