
Delaware nonprofits invited to apply for grants

August 3, 2020

The new Community Needs Grants Program and the Vision Grants Program are now open to Delaware nonprofits through the Delaware COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund at the Delaware Community Foundation.

Through the Community Needs Grants Program, the fund will award monthly grants up to $50,000 to enable nonprofits to better serve Delawareans by providing resources to help them shift to new or modified operating models, or restart or pivot programs in response to COVID-19.

These grants are not intended for emergency needs. Rather, they are intended to support nonprofit sectors through organizations that are sustainable with strong leadership, management and fiscal accountability, as well as solid programmatic outcomes that benefit Delawareans.Through the Vision Grants Program, the fund will invest in innovative solutions across a variety of topic areas that address the emerging and evolving needs arising from or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vision grants will support bold solutions and innovative ways of delivering services and programs, address specific social problems, include key partners, and drive broader social or systems changes. For more information and to apply, go to

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