
DEMFA and the COVID vaccines

January 30, 2024

I read with concern your article about the Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance and their opinions on the "dangers of COVID-19 vaccines.”

I would trust my doctor before I would trust a group with, it seems, little scientific testing capabilities.
I remember when a failed national leader once suggested at a televised press conference that maybe the "injection" of disinfectant would "clean" the lungs and beat the coronavirus.
Abraxas Hudson, president of DEMFA, suggested that instead of a vaccine injection, one might try one of their kits that contain, "nutraceuticals, Pepcid, Zyrtec, things you can buy at a drugstore." 
He went on, "We pass it [the kit] around, not just here but across America. Probably thousands of people used it. We don't know of anyone who took our kit and ended up in the hospital."
Wow! That is an example of really excellent scientific testing technique. Maybe they didn't hear of anyone who took their kit and ended up in the hospital because rather than the hospital, they ended up in the morgue.
The COVID vaccine has drastically reduced the horrendous death rates we saw at the onset of the pandemic. Let's give credit where credit is due.
John Marino


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