
Gary Glass has the ‘Three E’s’ in Rehoboth

August 9, 2019

I am writing as a former member of the planning commission in Rehoboth for nine years and as a longtime homeowner. I am voting for Gary Glass Aug. 10 because he has the “Three E’s” that we need in Rehoboth right now: Experience, Expertise and Enthusiasm.

Experience: Gary has been a part-time resident active in the community for almost 20 years; he is currently a member of the city’s beach and boardwalk committee, and he has been regularly participating as a citizen in meetings of the mayor and commissioners for the past two years. He knows Rehoboth’s history and the critical challenges ahead, including the serious financial constraints and major capital improvement needs.

Expertise: Gary has had a long career in accounting, finance and information technology, including executive positions. He knows project planning, budgeting and oversight. He will not let taxpayer money go to waste. He knows the importance of transparent and ethical government - causes that he has been fighting for in Rehoboth and at our main home in Maryland for many years.

Enthusiasm: Did I mention that Gary has been my partner in life for 23 wonderful summers? I know his boundless drive and enthusiasm, tempered by the sensible mind of an accountant. As a commissioner, he will be an energetic representative for all: fair, open-minded, and driven to get it right.

He has no axe to grind and no financial interests with the city other than the home that he owns - proudly in his own name, not hiding in an LLC!

Please join me in voting for Gary Glass Aug. 10 at Rehoboth Beach City Hall.

Brian Patterson
Rehoboth Beach

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