
Grant allows Delaware Botanic Gardens to plant 270 trees

September 27, 2018

Thanks to a grant from the Delaware Forest Service, volunteers planted 270 new trees along the Piney Neck Road entrance to the Delaware Botanic Gardens near Dagsboro.

The Delaware Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program awarded $5,000 to fund this tree planting. DBG provided a 50-50 cost-share match with in-kind services including DBG volunteer time, equipment and donated supplies.

DBG Director of Horticulture Gregg Tepper said, “We thank the Delaware Forest Service and our Garden Steward volunteers, who made this important project a reality. These trees will become an important habitat for wildlife.” He said the 270 trees included white oaks, eastern red cedars, chestnut oaks, loblolly pines and Virginia pines, which will provide an attractive and varied screen along the DBG road front.

Kesha Braunskill, the Delaware Forest Service urban and community forestry director said, “These urban forestry grants are a central part of our agency’s efforts to meet our statewide program goals. Tree-planting projects help to bring people together, build awareness about the importance of proper tree care in community settings, and highlight the many benefits of increasing tree canopy.”

DBG Executive Director Sheryl Swed said, “We wish to thank Carol Bason, DBG’s Research and Development advisor, for writing this grant which has allowed DBG to greatly enhance the garden’s beauty. This tree planting emphasizes the garden’s mission to be a home and food source for wildlife as well as a beautiful place to relax and enjoy nature.”

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create an inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. The Delaware Botanic Gardens celebrates the coastal plain with a sustainable garden that delights and educates visitors and inspires them to preserve Delmarva’s native landscape. For more information, go to

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