
Has America lost its soul?

July 13, 2018

When A.G. Sessions smiled while quoting scripture to justify President Trump's new border policy, he should have quoted Matthew 12:35:

"A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things."

The sounds and images of small, innocent children crying in cages was difficult to process. The president's description of these kids as vermin infecting and invading our country was tragic as well. Separating these children is cruel and unnecessary. How great is America when we see the daily mistreatment of others fleeing terrorism, conflict and crime?

To think these kids are being used as pawns and hostages for the much-talked-about border wall. They are not being properly cared, for which in turn subjects them to abuse, neglect and exploitation. The cost of warehousing has reached $775 a day per child benefitting the prison and security industry. Due process, the bedrock of our democracy, guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

However, this president continues to act like a dictator by proposing to eliminate judges and lawyers to advocate for the children. The beacon of light that this country represents has been diminished so low it is barely visible. We are slowly going to a place that we've never experienced heretofore. Lastly, cruelty shouldn't be confused as strength! Legality is not a guide for morality!

Valerie Reeves
Ocean View

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