KSI maneuvering through COVID-19 guidelines
KSI staff is actively coordinating among various departments, making plans for when restrictions are reduced, enabling programs and services to again be provided.
Once state guidelines permit the opening of its Milford facility, KSI will be ready to serve its program participants in a manner it feels is safe and compliant.
KSI is following statewide guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic by practicing social distancing. Although gathering is restricted and KSI is unable to provide services at this time as it normally does, key staff are utilizing conference and Zoom calls to provide case management to the nearly 300 individuals receiving KSI services.
KSI is a nonprofit agency providing vocational training, employment, supported employment, community integration, transportation, day habilitation, life enrichment and nutritional services to individuals with disabilities throughout Kent and Sussex counties. KSI is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that its programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.
For more information, go to www.ksiinc.org.