
Letter: 6th annual ThanksLiving celebration a success

November 29, 2018

The 6th annual ThanksLiving celebration Nov. 18 was in the words of one attendee, “…. the best one yet.”  Thus, VegRehoboth has much to be grateful for.  We thank CAMP Rehoboth for hosting Dr. Will Tuttle’s talk, and being a constant friend to the plant-based community.
We thank the chefs and restaurants who generously donated their food and time to prepare the awesome menu items:

Chef Hari Cameron & a(MUSE.), Crooked Hammock, Chef Brenton Wallace and Crust and Craft; Chef Joey Churchman and Cuvee Ray; Chef Sean Corea and Fork + Flask at Nage; Chef Ross Thompson and G Rehoboth, Chef Zeenat Bhanot and Indigo; Chef Keith Irwin and Old World Breads; and Chef Billy Lucas and Taco Reho.  It is because of their generosity that $500 donations to both CAMP Rehoboth and Rehoboth Beach VegFest 2019 were possible!

We thank Hari and Stephanie Cameron for supporting ThanksLiving for the sixth year in a row, and for allowing us to take over their restaurant.  A special thanks to the wonderful staff at a(MUSE.) who ensured excellent service.  The two seatings at 3 and 6 p.m. were filled to capacity, as were the happy diners, given the spectacular food and attentiveness of the servers.  

Volunteer servers deserve special thanks as well: Hadley Rhue, Jayne Fetterman, Lucy Siranides, Mel Fritchman and particularly the 11-year-old water server and plate clearer extraordinaire, Brooke Rhue. 

Thanks also to Donna Dolce for staffing the welcome table at Dr. Tuttle’s talk.  

We thank Lori Beinhauer, Good Earth Market, Susan Kehoe, and Browseabout Books for hosting a book signing the following day. 

We thank Bob and Lis Haggett who had the idea to invite Will and Madeleine Tuttle to Delaware, and housed and fed them. We thank Dorothy Greet, long an impassioned advocate of plant-based eating, who generously covered the honorarium for Dr. Will Tuttle to come speak, and hosted a dinner in their honor on their last night here. 

We hope this visit will be the first of many to help deepen our understanding and vision of how the world could be. We thank Will and Madeleine Tuttle for the moving and informative talks and slideshow. Their commitment to a compassionate future free of animal cruelty and oppression was inspiring.

Finally, a shout out to the dedicated VegRehoboth volunteers:  Ruth Lamothe, Susan Pawlikowski, Maryann Manzi, Jeff Socorso and Sue Goudy.  VegRehoboth is indeed volunteer-run and compassion-driven!  We could not survive without the passion, enthusiasm and commitment of our volunteers.    

Last but not least, we thank everyone who came to enjoy our 6th ThanksLiving with us and hope you will join us again next year!  

Tara Sheldon
president, VegRehoboth & Rehoboth Beach VegFest
board of directors, CAMP Rehoboth


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