
Letter: On Sussex County’s ridiculous traffic impact studies

October 19, 2018

As scores of new communities are in the works, it seems DelDOT’s answer is simply a left or right turn lane. The trouble is, not only at the entrance and exits of the communities themselves, but thousands of added vehicles annually traveling to and from their destinations.

At the pace of building today, in only a few years traffic on all tertiary roads will be as congested as Route 1 all day, as it is in all other major metropolitan areas. More so here, as there are only a handful of roads to use. Roads here have not been upgraded to handle this traffic nightmare, as they haven’t been upgraded in a century.

Until the roads are doubled or tripled and parking available accordingly, DelDOT should recommend a moratorium on home developments. New Castle and Kent figured this out years ago by passing the AFPO adequate public facilities ordinance, which puts the burden of infrastructure accommodations on the developer, not the taxpayer as Sussex County’s antiquated regulations state.

Where is Sussex County planning and zoning common sense here? Do they think this continued funnel effect wiil magically disappear? You cannot fit five pounds of bologna in a one-pound bag, no matter how you design it!

Jerry LaForgia 

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