
Lewes community hops to it

May 17, 2022

After two years without the Lewes Easter Egg Hunt – and so many young children having never met the Easter Bunny – the Friends of Canalfront Park held Lewes’s inaugural Bunny Bonanza April 16 in Canalfront Park.

We extend our deepest thanks to all those who made this community event an overwhelming success that was, literally, boatloads of fun. Special thanks to Chuck Moore for loaning us his handcrafted Bevins boat, which was filled with thousands of candy-filled eggs, and Matt Carter of Quest Fitness & Kayak who provided large inner tubes that allowed the 6-and-under tykes easier access to their eggs (each child was allotted 10 to 12 eggs).

Kudos to volunteers from the Villages of Five Points who stuffed almost 4,000 eggs; members of the Cape Henlopen girls’ tennis team, who stuffed 2,000 more and assisted children at the egg-painting station the day of the event; Sussex Academy tennis coach Pat Breen and his players, who entertained kids with mini-tennis; and Miguel Almine, who worked nonstop, delighting everyone with his inventive balloon creations. 

Thanks to the City of Lewes and all the town merchants who supported us in this endeavor, especially Kids’ Ketch which donated three generous gift cards as prizes for the 150-plus kids who entered the “guess the jellies in the fish belly” contest; our major sponsors Coastal Cottage Renovations, Dogfish Inn, Heirloom and The Inn at Canal Square for their continued support; and all those in attendance who helped raise $400 for UNICEF in support of the children of Ukraine.   

A special shoutout to Cindy Abood, our tireless “Energizer Bunny” and the Sea Sisters from Freedom Boat Club who safely delivered our EB to the city dock on a beautifully decorated pontoon boat. 

And, finally, a huge thank you to the 1,000-plus attendees whose appreciation and enthusiasm made the Bunny Bonanza a tremendous community event for all. See you next year!

David Shook
Chair, Bunny Bonanza 2022
On behalf of Friends of Canalfront Park board


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