
Lewes-Rehoboth Canal too shallow for boaters

June 29, 2020

When driving over the Rehoboth Avenue canal bridge this week the sign saying “bridge testing” caught my eye. It made me wonder when was the last time the bridge opened for a passing boat? It’s been awhile, and I can tell you the reason. The canal is filling in with silt and larger boats can’t make the passage anymore. I don’t know how many people are aware, but the most recent Army Corps of Engineers depth survey of the canal showed just over two feet of depth before and after the train trestle in Lewes at low tide. Recreational boaters are regularly scraping bottom as they move through those areas. The same is true for the area just before North Shores. How long it takes before it’s impassable at lower tides remains to be seen. Let’s hope the L&R Canal doesn’t turn into the Assawoman Canal, which is now closed to recreational boaters. And hopefully the bridge testing isn’t for naught.

Bob Hamilton
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