
Mayor Kuhns has put us on the right track

July 23, 2020

It was just three years ago that we voted to put an end to the mess that Rehoboth Beach found itself in. A city with massive debt, deferred maintenance on the wastewater treatment facility, lack of movement on the stormwater outfall, streets needing to be paved, and common stormwater back ups during inclement weather. Paul Kuhns addressed these and other issues from the start and found solutions.

I respect all of those who stand up and want to run for office. It is many times a thankless job. But the right choice is critical.  Paul has done an excellent job of slowing down this city’s previous train wreck, and getting us back on track for tasks that were long neglected. I ask you this. When you vote this year, do you want to put Rehoboth back on the slow, deferred track that we were on with the previous administration or on the right track with Paul to more modern and timely solutions? I ask you to re-elect Paul Kuhns for mayor.

Barry Brandt
Rehoboth Beach
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