
News Briefs 2/26/21

February 26, 2021
Rehoboth sets transportation meeting

The Rehoboth Beach Streets and Transportation Committee will meet online at 10 a.m., Monday, March 1. The agenda calls for a presentation on sharrow placement and possibilities for bike boxes by Bruce Kauffman. Anyone wishing to speak must preregister with City Secretary Ann Womack at least 24 hours prior to the meeting by emailing A full agenda and meeting materials are accessible at For more information, call 302-227-6181.

The Pond applies for liquor license 

Under the name Fenway Barr LLC, The Pond has applied for a liquor license for its new location at 19266 Coastal Highway. The application was submitted to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner Feb. 16 and includes a request for Sundays. According to a public notice published Feb. 23 in the Cape Gazette, there will be no outside service or external speakers. The ABCC is required to hold a hearing if they receive one or more documents containing at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within one mile of the property. Protests must be received by Thursday, March 18. To file an objection to the granting of this license, write the ABCC commissioner at the Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French St., Third Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801. For more information, call the commissioner’s office at 302-577-5222.

March 1 deadline for Rehoboth’s 2021 outdoor dining permits

Rehoboth Beach restaurants that might be interested in having outdoor seating on sidewalks and public areas need to submit an application to the city by Monday, March 1. The applications will help city staff establish how much distance is needed for pedestrians to be able to walk around the dining areas and also avoid vehicle traffic. They also will help determine how many barriers each restaurant will need. The city is requiring restaurants to pay for the barriers this year. Retail businesses that place display racks outside their stores can have them up to three feet from the side of the building. Beyond that distance, they must apply for an outdoor seating application, too. The Application for Outdoor Seating form can be found at under Forms. For more information, contact the communications department at 302-227-6181, Ext. 522 or

Rehoboth gives go-ahead on sale of 84 Kent St.

During a meeting Feb. 19, Rehoboth Beach commissioners unanimously approved City Manager Sharon Lynn moving forward with the sale of the city-owned property at 84 Kent St. During a budget meeting earlier that day, Lynn presented commissioners with a budget for next year that included a revenue line item for the sale of property and supplies worth a little more than $1 million. Almost all of it is from the potential sale of the property. The city’s budget runs April 1-March 31.

Rehoboth trail extension work to start

Delaware Department of Transportation contractor Grassbusters Landscaping Inc. will begin work on the Rehoboth Beach trail extension Monday, March 8. This project is the completion of the low-stress bicycle connection into the City of Rehoboth from the Junction and Breakwater Trail network. The project includes the connection of a 10-foot-wide asphalt trail through private property from Canal Street to Rehoboth Avenue and the development of a two-way buffered bicycle lane along Rehoboth Avenue to Grove Park within the city. The work will also include paving, concrete sidewalk, signage, striping, site amenities and fencing. Work hours will be from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. on weekdays. During this project, motorists may anticipate lane and/or shoulder closures. The work should be completed before Memorial Day.

Sussex council will meet at Del Tech March 2

Sussex County Council will meet at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 2, in the Carter Partnership Center at Delaware Technical Community College in Georgetown. Included on the agenda are the following public hearings: Reed Farm LLC, rezoning from AR-1, agricultural-residential, to C-3, heavy commercial, for a 67-acre parcel on Gravel Hill Road near Milton for a proposed industrial park; Pine Acres LLC, conditional use to expand the existing Leisure Point campground adding 8 acres for RV camping at 25491 Dogwood Lane, Long Neck; and three applications filed by Chappell Farms LLC, including a rezoning from AR-1 to MR, medium-density residential, a rezoning from AR-1 to C-3, heavy commercial, and a conditional use for 128 units of multifamily housing on a 15-acre parcel on the northeast corner of Route 1 and Cave Neck Road between Lewes and Milton. The developers have plans for apartments and commercial space, including a convenience store and pharmacy, on the site. See a complete agenda and meeting materials at The meeting place has been moved to the college to allow for more room for people to attend public hearings. Under COVID-19 restrictions, council chambers is limited to 30 attendees. The meeting is also available via livestream at and by telephone by calling 302-394-5036 using code 570176. Comments can be emailed to by 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 1.

Lewes Board of Adjustment to meet

The Lewes Board of Adjustment will meet virtually at 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 2. The group will consider a variance request for 119-125 Schley Ave. regarding minimum lot width and minimum lot area with the R-4, medium-density residential zone. A link to the meeting can be found on the agenda at 

Rehoboth looking to amend waste transporters permit

The state’s Groundwater Discharges Section issued a notice Feb. 17 saying Rehoboth Beach has applied for an amendment to its non-hazardous liquid waste transporters permit to include the Sussex County Wastewater Treatment System as a disposal site for municipal biosolids. In an email Feb. 17, Public Works Director Kevin Williams said the change will allow the city to transport sludge to the county’s Inland Bays facility as an alternative to land application. He said it’s a backup for when the city is not able to do land application during the winter, when the ground is extremely wet, and when construction begins on the next phase of infrastructure upgrades. Williams said when upgrades begin, the plant will not have as much temporary storage available to hold the waste until favorable weather conditions exist. For details, contact the Groundwater Discharges Section, 89 Kings Highway, Dover, at or 302-739-9948.

Markert appointed to shade tree commission

During a meeting Feb. 19, the Rehoboth Beach commissioners unanimously approved the appointment of Francis “Bunky” Markert to the city’s Parks and Shade Tree Commission. Markert has previously served on the city’s Architectural Review Board Task Force and Rehoboth Beach Planning Commission. He is currently on the Trees and Green Infrastructure Committee.

Rehoboth moves forward with proposed charter change

During a meeting Feb. 19, Rehoboth Beach commissioners voted 6-1 in favor of moving forward with a charter change allowing the city manager to delegate all supervisory authority, including the beach patrol. The vote authorized Mayor Stan Mills to seek state sponsorship of the changes, which is required by state law. In addition to the structural change, there are a number of housekeeping changes to the section of the charter related to the beach patrol. Those changes include an update to the name of the American Red Cross test a lifeguard is required to pass, and removing language allowing lifeguards to be made police officers in times of emergency. Commissioner Jay Lagree was the no vote. He said the problem doesn’t rise to the level of justifying a charter change.

Dewey marketing goup meets March 4

The Dewey Beach Marketing Committee will meet virtually at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 4. Members will discuss and possibly vote to recommend to commissioners a fundraiser involving a town beautification marketing campaign to offset an item in the current town budget. A link to the meeting is available at

Dewey budget committee to meet

The Dewey Beach Budget and Finance Committee will meet virtually at 3:30 p.m., Friday, March 5, to review and discuss the current year-to-date budget and possibly vote to recommend the 2022 fiscal year budget to commissioners. A link to the meeting is available at

Dewey commissioners to hold public hearing

Dewey Beach commissioners will hold a virtual public hearing and meeting at 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 2. Public hearings will be held on ordinances to add a new section to town code relating to the regulation of wireless facilities, and to amend town code regarding approving a lodging tax on hotels, motels and tourist homes. Commissioners may possibly vote on the two ordinances and to approve a supplement to the town’s street and beach maintenance agreement with Delaware Department of Transportation. A link is available at

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