
No Buzz Kill Beach Club at Cape state park

November 1, 2022

To the prospective restaurant group, please don’t kill the tranquil vibe in our little natural respite and forever become La Muerte for making the park inhospitable. I, for, one would never forgive you and could not step foot in any of your establishments if this happens. I could only hope that others would join me. 

To the Cape Gazette, please dispatch your investigative journalists to inquire with DNREC or the park administrators to share with the citizens of Delaware their data about exactly who and how many people are requesting this restaurant. I am curious to know the ratio of out-of-town visitors included who are driving the change in a Delaware state park. 

To the nature lovers who feel that a restaurant is a desecration, speak out. 

To the artists of the Cape, you will not have many landscapes left to paint soon. Create something that stirs and imagines an environment with another plot of serenity built upon.

K. Joseph


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