
Please support the Belhaven Hotel project

April 1, 2022

We have a wonderful opportunity, thanks to the Papajohn family, to return south Rehoboth Avenue at the Boardwalk to its one-time grandeur. The buildings that are currently there were put up after the 1962 storm without knowing how wonderful Rehoboth would ultimately become.

While I understand that the proposed building does not meet current code, I would like to suggest the project not be held hostage because our city code lacks the needed requirements to construct a beautiful building as proposed. It was eye-opening to see the building designed as the code currently requires! The last thing I want is to walk to the beach and see nothing but cars parked under the hotel at eye level in that spot! I want to see wonderful shops along Rehoboth Avenue and the Boardwalk.

Please consider allowing this project to move forward, then fix the code!

Cindy Lovett


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