Ribbon cut at new Beebe facility

Beebe Healthcare leaders cut the ribbon May 12 at the new Specialty Surgical Hospital located on Warrington Road between Lewes and Rehoboth Beach.
The hospital opened to the public for the first time on May 16, after a three-year construction process.
“This is a significant day for Sussex County,” said Beebe Healthcare President and CEO Dr. David Tam. “This facility represents the rapid evolution in not only healthcare for Sussex County but this local not-for-profit health system as well. Beebe is growing with our community, creating access to care and meeting the patient where they are, which will be paramount in the coming years.”
The surgical hospital has the latest technologies to streamline operative care for patients with a wide range of medical needs, from bariatric and breast procedures to orthopaedic surgeries. The $124 million, four-story, state-of-the-art surgical hospital ensures patients with scheduled surgeries do not need to compete for services with more acutely sick patients and emergency patients at a general acute-care hospital. Surgeons will be able to perform minimally invasive and robotically assisted surgeries at this new facility.
In mid-March, community members were able to tour the private patient rooms, and pre- and post-operative bays, as well as diagnostic imaging and physical therapy space. Capping off those celebrations were tours with Gov. John Carney and U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester.
“I am looking forward to the community seeing the new hospital when it opens and patients begin to experience the great care they will receive,” said Mark Loukides, Beebe vice president of facilities and environment of care. “Built with the patient, families and staff in mind, everyone will be greeted with a warm and welcoming environment, and an amazing care team. Many of these decisions were made with the support and guidance from Beebe’s Patient Family Advisory Council and the employees. This was truly a hospital built by the community, for the community.”
Community support of the surgical hospital has been unmatched since Beebe’s largest expansion plan was unveiled in 2017. The work of the Beebe Medical Foundation was critical as the hospital was built, with construction costs requiring an investment of over $100 million.
“You can see the power of philanthropy and gratitude in action with the opening of this building,” said Tom Protack, president of Beebe Medical Foundation. “The foundation is so grateful for our donors who have made this day possible. Fundraising to support this new facility has been and will be essential long-term as we continue to meet the needs of our fast-growing community. Today is a testament to the fact that Sussex supports Beebe, and a day to truly celebrate our rich and committed history of 106 years to our community.”