Running of the Bull hits the beach June 29
The 27th Annual Running of the Bull will take place Saturday, June 29, in Dewey Beach.
Clad in their white shirts and red bandanas, bull runners will meet at the Starboard to enjoy beverages, loud music and general pre-run festivities, with a ceremonial kickoff at 1 p.m. The run officially begins at 2 p.m as people tumble, fumble and generally make their way down the beach pursued by the bull and eventually head back to the Starboard where the party continues into the night.
The kids’ portion of the event starts at 10:30 a.m., on the beach between Dagsworthy Avenue and New Orleans Street. Several mascots will be on hand for the kids, from The Starboard’s own Shark to the Washington Capitals’ Slapshot, Baltimore Ravens’ Poe, and Delaware Blue Hens’ YoUDee.
Event founder Michael McDonnell said, “Last year was a ton of fun for Dewey Beach regulars because the matador was Papa from Mama Celeste’s, which was very Dewey Beach. This year it is Craig Longanecker. Craig is a Dewey Beach OG, a Starboard regular and loyal customer. Those who are deep into Starboard culture will undoubtedly know who he is.”
McDonnell said many will recognize Longanecker from his daily walks on the beach with his two golden retrievers, Duncan and Layla.
This year, McDonnell is really emphasizing the unofficial heroes of the event, like Longanecker and longtime referee Kenny Garfinkel, who has been in on the humor of the event for many years, once even playing bookie and referee simultaneously. McDonnell always looks forward to judging the Hemingway lookalike contest, and encourages participation in it, along with as much revelry around the event as possible.
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