
Smyk clarifies restaurant patio dogs issue

October 4, 2019

A letter to the editor that appeared in the Sept. 24 issue of your newspaper mischaracterized my position on state regulations prohibiting dogs in outdoor dining areas.

Earlier this year, the Delaware Division of Public Health started taking a renewed interest in enforcing an existing state regulation that bars dogs from restaurants – including outdoor seating areas.

This came as an unwelcome surprise to restaurants and cafés with exterior dining that often served casual clientele who stopped to have a cup of coffee or light meal while walking their dogs.

The regulations do not impact certified service dogs.

I have urged the DPH to revise their regulations to maintain the ban on pets inside dining establishments while allowing leashed dogs in outdoor patio areas. Under my proposal, the DPH would establish complementary rules to ensure the safety of exterior dog-inclusive venues.

This change would place the decision-making power in the hands of the business owners and the public they serve. The former can determine if they wish to offer this option, while the latter can decide if they want to patronize such establishments.

State Rep. Steve Smyk
20th District

  • A letter to the editor expresses a reader's opinion and, as such, is not reflective of the editorial opinions of this newspaper.

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