
Support the school, support the community

March 12, 2024

I am a retiree and senior who chose to live in Cape Henlopen School District. My success was due to the public schools and services they provided in the Northeast. I fully understand many come to Delaware for its way of life and low taxes, but in my opinion, schools should not take a back seat.

That aside, with the growth being experienced, I truly feel that public education and the facilities that school districts provide are important community assets.

People talk of a boondoggle with a natatorium and a consolidated administrative and bus facility, but we are building for the future of the next generations, keeping the district and, in turn, the community strong. School resources also support the community with meeting space, ball fields and other resources. I alone have attended several programs held at Cape Henlopen High School’s auditorium, one of the few large community spaces.

A community is made up of many parts – the hospital, library, food pantries, senior centers and others. The schools are no different; they are integral to the quality of life in the community, so I ask that you vote for the future. It is a very small price to pay for a continued great community.

The upcoming referendum vote Tuesday, March 26, is in my opinion something to be supported. The cost to keep our community vibrant is a small price to pay for a strong quality of life. Please vote yes.

Ken Sosne
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