

October 25, 2018

YUM! No other word quite describes today’s tasting! We prepared Kim Campbell’s Veggie Balls according to her recipe in PLANTPURE NATION Cookbook and simmered them in an oil-free Prego tomato sauce with fresh made zucchini “noodles”. A winner! 

In our 7th class of Plant-Based Eating for Personal and Community Health, we learned that many of the PLANTPURE recipes are available as prepared frozen meals here  Also at this website is more information about the mission of PLANTPURE NATION to educate and unite individuals and communities through film, cookbooks, community pods, online and in-person gatherings around healthy, sustainable and compassionate living. 

  • Dorothy Greet invites you on a journey to amazing good health and vitality through Plant-Based Eating.

    A heart attack turned her life upside down at age 70.

    Now, with a Cornell Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition, this retired clergywoman teaches free classes to community groups upon request.

    To contact Ms. Greet, email

    For more information on plant-based eating go to

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