Favorite moments from E3 2018
Oh, E3. You're always full of surprises, even when we think we already know all the announcements that are going to be made. Here are some of my favorite moments from the various press conferences held at E3 this year.
The Last of Us 2 gameplay and cinematic
We knew we'd be seeing something surrounding The Last of Us 2 at Sony's E3 conference this year, but I was absolutely thrilled with what we got. Sony opened their show with Gustavo Santaolalla, musician and composer of The Last of Us's beautiful original soundtrack, playing a melody from The Last of Us on a freaking banjo in a church. I mean, how else would Sony open a conference? The gameplay we got to see looked incredible and was centered around Ellie. The Last of Us is in my top three favorite games of all time, so my hype for the sequel is through the roof. It looks like Naughty Dog have truly outdone themselves based on what we have seen so far. No release date or window was announced, unfortunately.
Ghost of Tsushima trailer
Ghost of Tsushima, a new IP from Sucker Punch (creators of Infamous), was first revealed at Paris Games Week last year, although little was shown of the game. At Sony's E3 presentation this year, we got to see a little under 10 minutes of gameplay. The game looks absolutely beautiful. It will center around the Mongol Invasion of Japan in the year 1274. The combat looks really fast-paced and involves some really badass-looking swords. Also, you can ride a horse, which I really enjoy in games for some reason. Again, no release date or window was announced, but this is something I'll be sure to keep on my radar.
Death Stranding trailer
We FINALLY got gameplay! In traditional Kojima fashion, it was extremely cryptic and weird. It definitely has a horror element to it, but I truly couldn't tell you what this game will be about. Sony is letting Kojima do his thing and I couldn't be more excited to learn more.
Unravel II
I was a big fan of Unravel, a side-scrolling puzzle-platformer about a little character made out of yarn, appropriately named Yarny. At EA's E3 presentation, they presented a trailer for Yarny II, and then announced that it is available NOW on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One. My sweet husband got me a PlayStation Network card so I could buy it. I've only had the chance to put about an hour and a half into it, but I am absolutely LOVING it. This game takes everything that was great about the original and adds a whole new element: A second player. You can play the entire game with another person, or you can play solo. Martin Sahlin, creative director at developer Coldwood Interactive, described it best: "Unravel Two is about the unbreakable bond between friends and how hope and love can make the world around us a better place."
Skyrim spoof with Keegan Michael Key
I may be a little biased because I have an irrational love for Keegan Michael Key, but this very self-aware trailer for "Skyrim: Very Special Edition" is everything I love about E3. Todd Howard, director and executive producer at Bethesda, poked fun at the fact that Skyrim is available on basically every platform that exists, and followed that up with this hysterical trailer for the "Very Special Edition" of Skyrim on Amazon Alexa. But, here's the thing...IT'S ACTUALLY REAL. I freaking love Bethesda.
Todd Howard saying the "f" word on stage
When presenting the collector's edition of Fallout 76, Todd Howard showed us a map of the game's world that "glows in the f***ing dark." Enough said.
Super Mario Party
Nintendo's E3 event mostly focused on the new Super Smash Bros. game, which is cool and all, but what I am personally most excited for is Super Mario Party: a new Mario Party game for the Nintendo Switch. It looks like the classic Mario Party we know and love with some really innovative new features that utilize not only one but two Nintendo Switch consoles. The best news? It's coming out this October.
My personal favorite moments from E3 happened right in my living room: My husband, a big fan of Nioh, ripped off his blanket and started shouting when Nioh 2 was revealed at Sony's event.