
‘Zero to 50’ cartoon cynical, insulting

August 22, 2023

Your “Zero to 50” cartoon in the Aug. 18 Cape Gazette is extremely cynical and insulting.

The cartoon implies that all parents of Cape Henlopen High School students, and by implication, all adults in Lewes, are guilty of “iffy PPP loan[s] and ... fudging on ... taxes and ... golf game [scores].”

The cartoon also implies that all media news is fake, and that our elections are crooked. Should we include the Cape Gazette among all the other “fake” news with which we adults and high school-age students are besieged?  Is this the real world that the (what appears to be) young high school student in the cartoon is so cynically expecting?

The current policy of passing a student who attains only a 50% grade certainly needs to be reviewed and hopefully changed. This policy does not seem to be working, since LouAnn Hudson, a member of the school staff quoted in the Aug. 14 edition of the Cape Gazette stated:  “What we noticed ... is that our students are very smart, and they were using these minimum grades in order to basically avoid school work and even attendance in school after a certain point of the year when they felt they were going to pass the course.”

As the headline of the editorial in the Aug. 18 edition stated, “Cape grading policy must change.” Agreed. But to suggest that this grading system is reflective of the decline of ethical behavior in our society as a whole goes way beyond the pale.

John Marino


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