
New traffic study needed for Twin Masts

September 19, 2023

I am writing today regarding the proposal for development of the Twin Masts community on Round Pole Bridge Road near Milton. I would like to strongly advocate for a new traffic impact study to be performed in regard to the community. The original TIS was performed during the COVID-19 pandemic when traffic was minimal, and it also does not incorporate the impact on the Round Pole Bridge Road and Cave Neck Road intersection. A significant amount of traffic travels Round Pole Bridge Road to the Cave Neck Road intersection when school is in session. There is a lot of large farm equipment and dump trucks, etc., traveling by using Round Pole Bridge Road as a shortcut from Hudson Road to Cave Neck Road.

Additionally, Round Pole Bridge Road is not designed for use by the large of amount of traffic that will be generated by a community of the proposed size. It is a chip and tar farm road with no shoulders and many sharp curves, making it dangerous to travel during the corn-growing season. Changes to the traffic patterns at the Route 16 interchange will make Hudson Road and Route 1 even more dangerous and restricted for use as a local intersection. This should all be considered in a new TIS, as well as the possibility of placing the entrance to the community on Route 1 rather than Round Pole Bridge Road.  

Round Pole Bridge Road is populated by primarily 3/4-acre to 5-acre parcels with a great deal of still-farmed fields of corn andsoy beans. I urge the county to prepare a new, expanded TIS with DNREC, and pray that this proposed development is denied. 

Ginny Hysock
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