Cape Odyssey of the Mind teams heading to world finals

After strong performances in the state contest in April, including a perfect score for the Mariner Middle group, four Cape district Odyssey of the Mind teams qualified for the world finals to be held May 21-24 at Iowa State University.
To earn a place at worlds, teams from Rehoboth, Lewes and Milton elementaries and Mariner Middle placed either first or second, or tied in the state rounds. Mariner’s team also earned the coveted Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award, which was last bestowed in 2018.
OM is a collaborative problem-solving competition that focuses on STEM, the arts and history. Students must solve long-term problems that include performing skits or creating weight-bearing structures and a spontaneous problem through creative verbal or hands-on means, or a combination of both.
The Milton Elementary team comprising Maybellene Willis, Brady Mills, Mia Delgado-Rodriguez, Liam Carter, Noa Urrestarazu and Dylan Redd tied for first place in the Drive-In Movie problem, for which they had to design, build and run a vehicle that travels to a drive-in theater.
Rehoboth Elementary’s team of Julia Petito, Colton Kroll, Mazzie Rogerson, Adeline Bekeshka, Jamie Celano, Dalton Zmuda and Everett Isaac placed second in the AI Tech-No-Art contest for creating a robot that determines whether or not a work of art is beautiful.
Lewes Elementary team members Zoe Ryan, Scarlett Stazzone, Anna Liang, Lev Drevno, Nico Capobianco and Justin Travis earned second place in the Classics … Opening Night Antics problem for performing in the opening night of a classic play that doesn't go as planned.
The Mariner Middle team comprising Fiona Fisher, Robin Rion Starr, Alison Swift, Nellie Bohl, Abby Wager, Maddie Hill and McKenzie Russell placed first with the only perfect score in the tournament for the Rocking World Detour event, in which they created a rock band performance that goes awry when the band is transported to an unknown location.
Cape district teams are seeking to raise a combined $50,000 so all students can attend the world final. The cost per student is more than $1,500, and all funds raised will be split evenly among teams to help cover room and board, registration fees and airline tickets.
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