The affection that my wife, Donna, and I have for this area began many years ago. My parents honeymooned in Rehoboth Beach in 1946, and my grandparents started bringing me here on vacations in 1955. Our family has spent many vacations here and created many memories. Donna and I relocated some 31 years ago. We love it here.
We also love Beebe Healthcare. Donna was a nurse at Beebe, and in June of this year, I found a personal appreciation for Beebe through, of all things, robotic surgery.
I quit smoking in 2010. Some time afterward, Donna and my primary care doctor, Dr. Carmelo DeSalvo, suggested that I get a CAT scan of my lungs. That scan revealed a small spot in my right lung. For the next several years, follow-up scans confirmed that the spot had not grown. My scan in January 2020 however, showed the spot had grown slightly.
I was given three options to address the growth. I could simply continue scanning and watching the spot, I could have it biopsied, or I could have it removed. I opted to have it removed and that led me to Beebe’s Dr. Kurt Wehberg, a cardiothoracic surgeon.
I was immediately impressed with Dr. Wehberg. Down-to-earth and congenial, he walked me though robotic surgery like a friend. And on June 11, that friend removed 1/3 of my right lung via four small incisions. Amazing. The nodule ended up being cancerous, but my lymph nodes were clear so, thankfully, I don’t need further treatment.
I was discharged from the hospital the next day. As I waited for Donna in a wheelchair at the flagpole, Beebe’s new CEO, Dr. David Tam, walked up and introduced himself. I told him I knew who he was – we were already friends on Facebook!
Everything about my experience at Beebe was terrific. I wrote to Dr. Tam to let him know that the receptionists, doctors, nurses, dietitians and techs were all awesome. Congratulations to all for doing such a great job.
Thanks go out to Sarah Murphy. I understand why she was given a Daisy Award. She has a great personality and wonderful bedside manner, and she made me feel special. Same Day Surgery nurses Christian Talog and Rhonda McManus were very helpful, and home health nurses Patsy Greene, Marisa Spudis and Sade Fields were very caring. They helped me through recovery and telemedicine visits.
Of course, a special thanks goes to Dr. Wehberg and his awesome staff for their kindness and caring, because now I’m back doing what I love. I am gardening, working at my part-time job interviewing fishermen, and enjoying family and our two grandsons – all thanks to Beebe and the awesome team there.
As a community-based, nonprofit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of the community it serves. To make a gift to celebrate the excellent care you or a loved one has received, visit Beebe Medical Foundation at or call 302-644-2900. Want to share your story? Contact Amanda Neal at