
Dr. MLK Jr. celebration thanks community

February 4, 2020

On behalf of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization, Sussex County, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who joined us for a very successful 28th Annual Commemorative Weekend Celebration.  Thank you to all media, congregations, banks, community organizations, corporations, local businesses and individuals who supported and attended our annual celebration banquet Jan. 18 at the Georgetown CHEER Center and our Worship Service Jan. 20 at Dickerson Chapel AME Church.  

This year we are especially grateful to all the organizations and youth who participated in a Day of Service and contributed food and school supplies to Dickerson Chapel’s Youth Education Ministry.  Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

We also want to extend special thanks for your generous donations to our sponsors this year:  Platinum Sponsors - Community Bank Delaware, the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice and Bridging the Divide (Faith, Israel and Epworth churches); Gold Sponsors - State Auditor Kathy McGuiness and CAMP Rehoboth; Silver Sponsors - Jack Lingo Realtor Inc. and Berkshire Hathaway Gallo Realty Inc.  

Together, we honored and paid tribute to the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and recognized the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote! 

This year our theme, Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage: The Struggle Continues, came alive with an inspiring keynote speech from Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester and recognition of 18 local accomplished women leaders.  We recognize the impressive contributions of women past and present, and know that everyone’s right to vote is a sacred trust that must always be protected.  

Your support and generous donations afford us the opportunity to give scholarships to graduating seniors and plan activities to nurture the legacy of Dr. King. As we continue our efforts to make the Dream a Reality, we solicit your prayers and support to help us achieve our mission in 2020.

Thank You and God Bless!

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Organization of Sussex County Inc.


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