
Friday Night Lights celebrate 2020 graduates

April 24, 2020

High schools in Delaware participated in Friday Night Lights, a Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association virtual event Friday, April 24. It’s the same day Gov. John Carney announced Delaware schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year. Carney encouraged school districts to celebrate seniors as they graduate by giving them special recognition. 

Schools that participated lit up the sports stadium at 8 p.m. for 20 minutes and 20 seconds as a sign of support to interscholastic athletics and the senior class of 2020. The event was not open to the public.

Cape Henlopen School District Superintendent Bob Fulton said students will continue to engage in remote learning through the remainder of the school year.

“On June 9 we will have a virtual commencement ceremony for our graduating seniors,” Fulton said in a statement sent to Cape Henlopen School District families. “We have been, and will continue to discuss and plan the various details related to our commencement ceremony and other programs related to graduation.  We will be sharing this plan with our seniors and their families prior to May 8. While we are saddened by this news as we miss our students, we know the health of our students, staff and community is most important.” 


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